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I agree, do not show this message again.A performance enhanced bidirectional three-band lightwave transmission system for RoF and RoFSO link using serial and parallel modulators
- Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies and Research, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, India
- Space Applications Centre, Ahmadabad, Indian Space Research Organization, India
A bidirectional three-band lightwave system is proposed for Radio over Fiber (RoF) and Radio over Free Space Optics (RoFSO) platforms which can be used for simultaneous transmission of 1.25 Gbps Baseband upstream and 1.25 Gbps Baseband downstream, 1.25 Gbps/20 GHz Microwave (MW), 1.25 Gbps/ 40 GHz Millimetre-wave (MMW) downstream signals. For RoF link, performance is evaluated using a serial modulator and a chromatic dispersion compensated parallel modulator along with Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) of appropriate length. An enhanced link performance with sufficiently high Quality (Q)-factor is achieved for a length of 35 km and 58 km with serial and parallel modulators respectively. The system is simple and economical as it eliminates the use of multiple transmitters, additional Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (RSOA), Delay Interferometer and uses direct detection at the receiver. Using a serial modulator and amplifier, the bidirectional three-band lightwave system is also investigated for establishing a RoFSO link up to a distance of 1km. This RoFSO link can be used in remote and disaster prone areas. The proposed schematic can be used for both wired and wireless users in various broadband and multimedia applications..
Lightwave transmission system, Radio over Fiber (RoF), Radio over Free Space Optics (RoFSO), Chromatic dispersion, Modulator, Bidirectional three-band, Triple play service.
Submitted at: April 24, 2018
Accepted at: Feb. 12, 2019
R. BHATIA, S. PRAKASH, E. SAINI, A performance enhanced bidirectional three-band lightwave transmission system for RoF and RoFSO link using serial and parallel modulators, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 21, Iss. 1-2, pp. 64-73 (2019)
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