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The manuscripts must be written in British English (U.K.). Authors are invited to send the manuscripts, only by e-mail, to the following e-mail address:
Regular papers must have 5 - 10 pages. Review papers are limited to 20 pages. Every paper must have an abstract of maximum 200 words. At least three keywords, which characterize the subject of the paper, must be specified. Maximum two papers co-authored by the same person can be published in one issue of the Journal.
The following structure of a paper is recommended: 1. Introduction, 2. Experimental (Theory, Modeling, ...), 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Conclusions.
The manuscripts must be prepared according to the detailed guidelines from the Journal website:
The authors are kindly asked to suggest three possible reviewers with their affiliations, scientific positions, and e-mail addresses, when submitting the manuscript.
The authors must answer to the following questions:
- Does the present submission represent original work?
- Is the present work being considered for publication elsewhere in any other form?
- Is some part of the present work published elsewhere? If so, provide details.
- Are all co-authors aware of this submission?
- Have all co-authors contributed to this work?
The manuscripts that fit the Journal scope and are prepared according to the Journal guidelines are sent to two reviewers for a critical examination. The comments of the reviewers and the decision of the Editorial Board regarding the publication are sent to the corresponding author.
The accepted manuscripts are published after final technical processing.
All rights are reserved by "Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials". Any reproduction or dissemination of the information herein, even as excerpts of any extent, is permitted only by written consent of the Editor-in-Chief.
The Redaction will process all the manuscripts taking into account the publishing rules of the Journal.
After acceptance of a paper for publication in Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials the corresponding author must send the Copyright Transfer Agreement signed by him in the name of all the co-authors of that paper. Scanned document with the signature of the corresponding author, sent by e-mail, to the address of the redaction, is accepted.
JOAM reserves the right to reject all the papers that do not follow these guidelines.
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