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I agree, do not show this message again.Application of electrostatic acceleration and deflection system for sophisticated laser-produced ion implantation
- Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, 23 Hery Str. 01-497 Warsaw, Poland
Precise and efficient ion implantation process is not a straightforward task due to relatively wide spread of energies of ions generated in interaction of nanosecond laser pulses with solid targets. To make it possible to implant the ions with energy in the narrow band the electrostatic system for acceleration and deflection of low energy laser-produced ions can be used. This contribution includes description of the experiments performed at IPPLM which were purposed on implantation of Ge ions from a narrow energy band onto SiO2/Si substrates. As the source of irradiation there was Nd:YAG laser system used with pulse duration of 3.5 ns and pulse energy:~ 0.5 J which gave power density of 1010 W/cm2 . The electrostatic acceleration and deflection system consisted of high-voltage pulse generator which could provide up to 40 kV pulses of down to hundreds of nanoseconds FWHM. In this set-up the ions implanted into the substrate were provided in even lower than 200 ns pulses. The mean energy of packs of ions was at the level of ~10 keV..
Submitted at: June 30, 2009
Accepted at: Feb. 27, 2010
M. ROSINSKI, P. GASIOR, P. PARYS, J. WOŁOWSKI, Application of electrostatic acceleration and deflection system for sophisticated laser-produced ion implantation, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 12, Iss. 3, pp. 762-765 (2010)
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