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I agree, do not show this message again.Emission characteristics of Pr3+-doped InNbO4 used as a red-emitting phosphor for white LEDs
A. TANG1,* , L. GU2, H. ZHANG1,1, Y. ZHAO1, H. CHEN1
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou, Henan 451191, China
- Department of Mechanics, Henan Mechanical and Electrical Vocational College, Zhengzhou, Henan, 451191, China
A series of red-emitting InNbO4:Pr3+ phosphors were prepared by a solid-state reaction method in air. The crystal structure, size distribution and luminescence properties were also characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), laser particle size analyzer and molecular fluorescence spectrometer, respectively. The XRD pattern of the phosphor depicted a single phase formation of the phosphor and the crystal structure had no change with the addition of Pr3+. The particle distribution exhibited a narrow size distribution with the average diameter of 2.0μm fitting in with the coating demand of making LED. Study on the excitation spectrum illustrates that the phosphor has the several excitation peaks from 449nm to 470nm in accordance with the excitation of blue LED chip. Analyzing the emission spectrum shows that the phosphor can emit intensive red lights at 606nm and 614nm due to the 1D2→3H4 and 3P0→3H6 transitions of Pr3+ ions respectively under the blue light at 466nm. The emission intensity can be enhanced by adding the content of Pr3+ and attains the maximum with the Pr3+-doped concentration of 0.3mol%. The results indicate that the phosphor InNbO4:Pr3+ would be a promising red-emitting phosphor which is used as a kind of phosphor-converted materials for white LEDs..
Red-Emitting phosphor, Photoluminescence properties, InNbO4, White LEDs; Solid-state reaction.
Submitted at: July 27, 2015
Accepted at: Sept. 9, 2015
A. TANG, L. GU, H. ZHANG, Y. ZHAO, H. CHEN, Emission characteristics of Pr3+-doped InNbO4 used as a red-emitting phosphor for white LEDs, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 17, Iss. 9-10, pp. 1243-1247 (2015)
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