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I agree, do not show this message again.Iron silicides formation on Si (111)7x7 studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
- Laboratoire d’Etudes des Surfaces et Interfaces de la Matière Solide –LESIMS, Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algeria
- Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherche des Etats Condensés-LEREC, Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algeria
The deposition of ferrocene [Fe (C5H5)2] and iron pentacarbonyl [Fe (CO)5 ] on Si(111)7x7 have been studied at room temperature. On Si(111)7x7,the adsorption sites have been identified by means of scanning tunneling microscopy. We propose a ferrocene adsorption model on Si(111)7x7, i.e., a di-sigma bridging by the molecule between an adatom and a restatom site similar to that proposed for the ethylene. For the iron pentacarbonyl, we have found evidence of a dissociative adsorption on nucleophilic sites. At a higher temperature, an exposure to iron pentacarbonyl lead to the growth of good quality iron silicide. Whereas, silicide carbide is formed on exposure to ferrocene. The films obtained can be explained by means of the chemisorption process at room temperature..
STM, Si (111)7×7, Adsorption, Iron pentacarbonyl, Ferrocene..
Submitted at: April 17, 2013
Accepted at: June 12, 2013
ABDELBAKI CHEMAM, MAHIEDDINE ALI RACHEDI, Iron silicides formation on Si (111)7x7 studied by scanning tunneling microscopy, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 15, Iss. 5-6, pp. 434-437 (2013)
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