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I agree, do not show this message again.Lycra fabric as an effective stretchable substrate for a compact highly efficient reversibly deformable broadband patch antenna
- Department of ECE, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu – 603110
- Division of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT Chennai, Tamilnadu – 600127
This paper describes the design and numerical simulation of a highly efficient broadband antenna on stretchable substrate. The reversibly deformable and stretchable antenna proposed here uses the stretchable fabric Lycra which is known for its exceptional elasticity. The DGS mentioned in this antenna helps to achieve broadband operation of 23.8% in 10dB impedance bandwidth with enhanced efficiency of 97.389% with the size reduction of 40.06%. In general, textiles present a very low dielectric constant that reduces the surface wave losses and increases the impedance bandwidth of the antenna. Multiway stretchable fabric helps to achieve multiple frequency bands. Hence the more stretchable lycra fabric is used here. The radiation characteristics of the designed antenna are analyzed for variation in number of slots and different levels of stretchability. The proposed design for various stretchablilty levels are simulated using HFSS EM simulation software and the results are discussed. This antenna is meant to be utilized for S and C (2 to 6 GHz) band wireless applications.
Lycra substrate, Microstrip antenna, DGS, Bandwidth, Efficiency, Stretchable, Compact.
Submitted at: Dec. 26, 2017
Accepted at: Nov. 29, 2018
S. DEEPA NIVETHIKA, B. S. SREEJA, E. MANIKANDAN, S. RADHA, M. SENTHILPANDIAN, Lycra fabric as an effective stretchable substrate for a compact highly efficient reversibly deformable broadband patch antenna, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 20, Iss. 11-12, pp. 634-641 (2018)
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