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Numerical simulation of a DFB-fiber laser sensor (I)



  1. Advanced Study Center–National Institute of Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, 220 Iuliu Maniu Boulevard, Bucharest, Romania
  2. National Institute R&D of Optoelectronics, INOE 2000, 409 Atomistilor str., P. O. Box MG. 5, Magurele-Ilfov, Romania


This paper is the first part of a series pointing to numerical simulation of various aspects of distributed feedback fiber laser sensors and their applications. The developed numerical analysis has the scope of a better understanding of DFB-FL itself and of its interaction with environment in order to be operated as a sensor. The aeronautical applications of DFL-FL sensors constitute the main field of numerical simulations and analysis field..


DFB-FL, DBR-FL, Numerical simulation, Laser sensor, Aeronautical application, COMSOL.

Submitted at: July 16, 2010
Accepted at: Aug. 12, 2010


I. LANCRANJAN, S. MICLOS, D. SAVASTRU, Numerical simulation of a DFB-fiber laser sensor (I), Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 12, Iss. 8, pp. 1636-1645 (2010)