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- University of Craiova, Department of Applied Mathematics, 200585 Craiova, Romania
- University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, 200585 Craiova, Romania
This paper presents an application of Taguchi method for finding the optimum combination levels of parameters that influence a laser hardening process. There were envisaged three types of laser parameters: laser power P, spot diameter d, and scan speed v, and their influence on the maximum microhardness and depth of hardening obtained during the laser hardening process. The Taguchi method is a powerful tool in quality management because it can offer the optimal parameter combination even in the absence of an experiment procedure that uses those levels, and so it is not necessary to make too many experiments in order to obtain the optimal setting. It is only necessary to make those that use certain combinations of parameters. The ANOVA technique was used to identify the most important processing parameters during this process. The results point out the most significant parameter among those considered in this paper, for each studied case, first, for the case when only a higher microhardness is desired, and second, for the case when a higher microhardness and a greater value for the depth of hardening are envisaged, for a C45 steel, and also offer the combination of process parameters that can be used for reaching these goals..
Laser hardening, Taguchi method, Optimization, Microhardness, Depth of hardening.
Submitted at: March 25, 2013
Accepted at: July 11, 2013
L. GRECU, G. DEMIAN, M. DEMIAN, Obtaining the optimal parameters in a laser hardening process through Taguchi method, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 15, Iss. 7-8, pp. 689-695 (2013)
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