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I agree, do not show this message again.On a numerical simulation of current-voltage features in wide range of temperature in metal/silicon Schottky diodes
- Department of Advanced Technologies, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Namin, Iran
- Department of Engineering Sciences, Sabalan University of Advanced Technologies (SUAT), Namin, Iran
- Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
In this work, the current-voltage behavior of metal/silicon Schottky structures is investigated numerically. The forward bias lnI-V plots for different values of series resistance Rs (0, 20, 50, 150 Ω) in various temperatures (40-300 K) are simulated using the iteration method. In this simulation, gold metal and n-type silicon semiconductors have been considered as contact and semiconductor interfacial materials. This type of Schottky structure is called a Schottky barrier diode. Comparison of electrical properties of Au/n-Si Schottky diodes and ideal Schottky diodes (SDs) indicates an abnormal behavior. The results show a crossing/intersection behavior at Rs=0. Considering the intersection points of each curve with other curves, it is clear that the slope of lnI-V plots is autonomous of temperature. The linear relation between voltage and current for Rs=0 show that the current or conductivity increases with the rise in temperature before the intersection region and then begins to decrease. Such a decrease in current despite the rise in temperature after intersection point is in nonconformity with the presented positive temperature coefficient of current. On the other hand, there isn’t any intersection behavior in the lnI-V plots for Rs>0 and these plots begin to deviate from linearity for each temperature. The intersection of these curves is hidden and unobservable in homogeneous SDs because of the existence of series resistance. Arrhenius plots for Rs=0 and 150 Ω were also drawn and they show that the slope of these plots which is corresponding activation-energy (Ea) decreases with increasing voltage which indicated the Ea value is dependent on bias voltage as well as temperature. The enlarged view of the confluence region represents that the intersection of a pair of plots occurring at the varied voltage for various temperatures as almost qVi=ՓB+2KT/q..
Schottky diodes (SDs), Numerical Simulation, Series resistance effect on the intersection behavior forward bias I-V plots, Voltage dependent activation energy.
Submitted at: May 13, 2021
Accepted at: Nov. 24, 2021
PARI AMIRI, ŞEMSETTIN ALTINDAL, On a numerical simulation of current-voltage features in wide range of temperature in metal/silicon Schottky diodes, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 23, Iss. 11-12, pp. 605-611 (2021)
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