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I agree, do not show this message again.S tud ies on the application of n InGaZnO p Si heterojunctions in active pixel sensor as photodiode
- School of Physics and Microelectronics Science, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, People’s Republi c of China
Photo diodes based on n InGaZnO/p Si heterojunction have been fabricated by radio frequency magnetron sputtering of n IGZO films on p type Si ( substrates. Based on the current voltage (I V) characteristics and capacitance voltage (C V) char acteristics measured under various inciden t light power s ( ILP), we explained them and their effects on the application of IGZO/Si heterojunction in active pixel sensor ( as photodiode ( PD It is indicated that IGZO/ Si heterojunction shows much more a dvantages such as higher quantum efficiency (QE) and dynamic range ( and better adaptability to low power supply voltage than the commonly used Si n p PD due to its nonlinear light I V and C V characteristics.
Photodiode APS Dynamic range, Low power supply voltage.
Submitted at: Feb. 5, 2013
Accepted at: July 10, 2014
GUOLIANG ZHANG, YUN ZENG, YONGMING YAN, YONGQING LENG, S tud ies on the application of n InGaZnO p Si heterojunctions in active pixel sensor as photodiode, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 16, Iss. 7-8, pp. 919-924 (2014)
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