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Solid state diffusion welding of Cu-Fe/Al/Ag and Al-Ni dissimilar metals



  1. National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Splaiul Unirii 313, Bucharest, Romania


Diffusion Bonding is a solid state welding technology which allows joining of similar or different materials: metal-metal, metal-ceramics, ceramics-ceramics etc. A major advantage of this method is new developments of bimetals or dissimilar material couples. Many applications and emerging applications are dependent on dissimilar material joints. This paper presents the research results on diffusion bonding of Cu-Fe, Cu-Ag, Cu-Al and Al-Ni dissimilar metallic couples which could be used in electrotechnical or electrical industries. The obtained jonctions are characterized at the interface from the point of view of microstructural characteristics, X-ray diffraction, mechanical and electrical properties. The optimum technological parameters (temperature, time, pressure, atmosphere etc.) are also specified..


Diffusion welding, Solid state diffusion, Diffusion bonding.

Submitted at: June 14, 2011
Accepted at: Sept. 15, 2011


V. TSAKIRIS, W. KAPPEL, G. ALECU, Solid state diffusion welding of Cu-Fe/Al/Ag and Al-Ni dissimilar metals, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 13, Iss. 9, pp. 1176-1180 (2011)