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I agree, do not show this message again.Structure and magnetic properties of multiferroic YCr 1-xFe xO3 (0≤x≤1)♣
- nstitute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee Blvd., 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
- Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Science, "Acad. Georgi Bonchev" str. bld. 11, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
- Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius", 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
- Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, H-1525 Budapest, POB 49, Hungary
Samples from the mixed oxide system YCr 1-xFexO 3 (0≤x≤1) were prepared by self-propagation combustion techniques and studied by neutron and X-ray diffraction at 290 K and by magnetic measurements in the range 2–800 K. The average observed metal-oxygen distances based on refinements in the space group Pnma are in agreement with the expected distances from the valence bond approach. The non-collinear spin arrangement (mode Γ4) of YFeO 3 and YCrO 3 is preserved for the rest (x ≥0.33) of the compounds magnetic at 290 K. The findings indicate that YCrO 3 and YFeO 3 form a solid solution with strongly frustrated magnetic interactions..
Multiferroics, Ferroelectricity, Diffraction, Perovskite, Solid solution.
Submitted at: Nov. 5, 2008
Accepted at: Oct. 3, 2009
S. KOVACHEV, D. KOVACHEVA, S. ALEKSOVSKA, E. SVAB, K. KREZHOV, Structure and magnetic properties of multiferroic YCr 1-xFe xO3 (0≤x≤1)♣, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 11, Iss. 10, pp. 1549-1552 (2009)
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