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I agree, do not show this message again.The experimental researches of advanced systems for process management in thermo sensitive heat treatments
- Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi, Bd. Dimitrie Mangeron, no. 41, Iasi,700050, Romania
This paper presents a modern electric heating for heat-sensitive thermal treatments (small parts, complicated configuration and high alloyed steels or medium, parts automotive, aerospace, marine and energy) which has implemented an electric furnace control system by thermo regulators with the PID control law. An important aspect is the development of a mathematical model for controlling electrical heating systems for heat-sensitive thermal treatments based on mathematical modeling to predict the mechanical properties and structure of the play resulting from heat treatment. Validation of the experimental research of heat treatment temperature sensitive, designed by the mathematical model for predicting mechanical properties and structure of the finished part and model for controlling electrical heating system based on PID adjustment algorithms consists in characterizing chemical, structural and physic mechanical a low power turbine blade made of heat treated steel C45-RO1.0503 electric heating system design (structural analysis to determine the chemical composition, structural analysis by light microscopy, electron microscopy SEM and EDX quantitative analysis, determination of hardness alloys)..
Conducting system, Electric furnaces, PID controller, SEM, EDAX, Hardness.
Submitted at: Jan. 20, 2015
Accepted at: March 19, 2015
I. CUCOS, C. MUNTEANU, The experimental researches of advanced systems for process management in thermo sensitive heat treatments, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 17, Iss. 3-4, pp. 409-420 (2015)
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