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I agree, do not show this message again.The thermal spike model of polyimide erosion by low energy ion bombardment♣
- ENEA, Advanced Physics Technology And New Materials Department,Optical Coatings Grou,CR Casaccia, Via Anguillarese 301,00123 Rome, Italy
Low energy ions are used for different applications such as ion beam assistance, surface modification of materials, ground simulation of space, etc. In this paper, polyimide (Dupont Kapton TM ) sheets were bombarded by an ion beam produced by an End-Hall ion source. The erosion rate, measured at the masking part of the Kapton target, was measured with varying source parameters. Two set of samples were bombarded with argon and oxygen ions. The erosion mechanism was explained by assuming that a low energy ion comes to rest a few monolayers from the Kapton surface. Most of the ion energy is released as phonons and a thermal spike is generated. According to the physics of the SRIM (Stopping Range of Ions in Matter) code, a thermal spike model was developed and compared with the experimental results. Quite good agreement between the calculated and measured erosion rates was found..
Low energy ion beam assistance, Thermal spike, Kapton erosion, Atomic oxygen.
Submitted at: Nov. 5, 2008
Accepted at: Sept. 9, 2009
ILARIA DI SARCINA, SALVATORE SCAGLIONE, The thermal spike model of polyimide erosion by low energy ion bombardment♣, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 11, Iss. 9, pp. 1157-1162 (2009)
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